Over the past 30 years, Sub Saharan Africa's GDP growth has generally trended with the World. However, rates were higher from 2001-2015, including a large spike in 2004. The Financial Crisis of 2008 affected the region much less.

Sub Saharan Africa only contributes about 1-2% to World GDP. That figure has increased slightly over the years, up to 2.1% in 2017. For reference, that figure is about the same as Canada’s contribution alone.

The static visualizations from an earlier version of the website are available for exploration here:

Figure 1: GDP Trends for Sub Saharan Africa and the World. Also available here.
Source: World Bank Indicators NY.GDP.MKTP.KD.ZG , NY.GDP.MKTP.CD
Created with: R, Shiny
Access the data here.