The dataset contains 11 columns: country, region, hemisphere, mental healthiness, rank of mental healthiness, human development index, beer consumption, wine consumption, spirits consumption, and life expectancy. I also created new features by bins, factors, and percentages for convenience. Among these factors, the project aims to find a correlation among alcohol consumption and health(mental and physical).

First of all, I wanted to learn which country drinks most and least. When we think of vodka(one of spirits), the first thing comes is vodka-drinking Russians.
What about beer? Germany has a famour beer festival, Oktoberfest, every fall. Would Germany be the country that drinks beer most?
France, Italy, and Argentia are one of the best wine producers in the world. Would they also drink as much as they product? What do you think?

You can check these out from the following wordclouds.


Figure 1,2,3: Wordclouds of Countries by beer, wine, spirits consumption.
Created with: R

I learned that Eastern European countries such as Germany, Czech Republic, and Belgium have the highest beer consumption while Russia and Belarus are the highest spirits-drinking regions. Not only France but also Portugal and Switzerland have the highest wine consumption. Now, I wanted to see all three combined in one plot. The following figure is a dot plot of three different alcohol consumption.

plot from API (5)
Figure 4: Dot Plot of beer, wine, spirits consumption by country.
Also available here.
Created with: R, Plotly

By using shiny app, I was able to look at the distribution of beer consumption by adjusting the number of bins too.

Figure 5: Shiny App of Beer Consumption
Also available here.
Created with: R, Shiny

Now, let's check out the distribution of some columns of our data. Among many different columns, I wanted to take a look at beer and Human Development Index(HDI).
The Human Deveopment Index(HDI) was created to emphasize that people and their capabilities should be the ultimate criteria for assessing the development of a country, not economic growth alone. The HDI can also be used to question national policy choices, asking how two countries with the same level of GNI per capita can end up with different human development outcomes. These contrasts can stimulate debate about government policy priorities. Human Development Index (HDI) is a summary measure of average achievement in key dimensions of human development: a long and healthy life, being knowledgeable and have a decent standard of living. The HDI is the geometric mean of normalized indices for each of the three dimensions. Thus, HDI can be considered as a measure of well-being life.

Human Development Index
Figure 6,7 : Histogram of Beer Consumption and HDI Created with: R, ggplot2

The following is a leaflet map created with R that shows the countries whose alcohol consumption including beer, wine, and spirits are high as colored in light blue on the map.
Also, from the map, you will be able to see some popups with the note of the corresponding information of the countries.

Figure 8: Leaflet map that shows high alcohol consumption with some notes
Also available here.
Created with: R, Leaflet