[에러 해결] The number of classes in file-vFB5CE9LrZcacVJzMJnCuiTw does not match the number of classes specified in the hyperparameters (w/ ChatGPT Fine-Tune)
Encountered Problems & Solutions
1. Issue: The number of classes in file-vFB5CE9LrZcacVJzMJnCuiTw does not match the number of classes specified in the hyperparameters.
# Fine tune
import os
os.environ['OPENAI_API_KEY'] = 'sk-bGJLbJDbVse......'
!openai api fine_tunes.create -t "eng_news_prepared_train (1).jsonl" -v "eng_news_prepared_valid (1).jsonl" --compute_classification_metrics --classification_n_classes 3
위 셀을 실행하면 아래와 같이 에러 발생으로 job failed 된다.
Upload progress: 100% 1.48k/1.48k [00:00<00:00, 792kit/s]
Uploaded file from eng_news_prepared_train (1).jsonl: file-mwsvrLf2bNTDedWBFEniNmZB
Upload progress: 100% 379/379 [00:00<00:00, 377kit/s]
Uploaded file from eng_news_prepared_valid (1).jsonl: file-vFB5CE9LrZcacVJzMJnCuiTw
Created fine-tune: ft-2hKBY10pDrY2FzCDVd0qRszD
Streaming events until fine-tuning is complete...
(Ctrl-C will interrupt the stream, but not cancel the fine-tune)
[2023-04-19 01:24:33] Created fine-tune: ft-2hKBY10pDrY2FzCDVd0qRszD
[2023-04-19 01:25:15] Fine-tune failed. Errors:
The number of classes in file-vFB5CE9LrZcacVJzMJnCuiTw does not match the number of classes specified in the hyperparameters.
Job failed. Please contact support@openai.com if you need assistance.
Train 이나 Valid file에 충분한 데이터가 없다는 뜻.